Sign Language Video Resources
Routine Concepts Dictionary:
This project offers sign language vocabulary in video format for parents and teachers to complement their language driven interactions with children. Hello - Hola
More - Mas
Motivational - Thematic Videos:
These videos offer sign language vocabulary related to specific themes. Fall - Hispanic Heritage Month
Fall - Color Orange
Circle Time - La Hora Del Circulo
Fall - Farm Animals
All Done - Terminé
Fall - Colors of Fall
Milk - Leche
Fall - Halloween
Food/Eat - Comida
Fall - Fruits & Vegetables
See You Later - Te Veo Después
Fall - Family
Dad - Papá
Winter - Christmas
Mom - Mamá
Sit - Sentarse
Winter - Winter
Winter - Winter Animals
Silence - Silencio
Good Morning - Buenos Días
Silent Applause - Aplauso Silencioso
Today - Hoy
Playground - Parque
Downstairs - Abajo
Outside - Afuera
Tricycle - Triciclo
Clean Up - Recoger
Movie - Película
Sleep - Dormir
Puzzle - Rompecabezas
Bye - Adiós
Blanket - Cobija
Bed - Cama
Bathroom - Baño
Ball - Pelota
Dance - Bailar
Toy - Juguete
Table - Mesa
Play - Jugar
Help - Ayuda
Diaper - Pañal
Winter - Valentine's Day
Winter - Black History Month
Spring - Spring Weather
Winter - Feelings
Winter - Good Manners
Spring - Meet Koko
Spring - Zoo Animals
Winter - Earth Day
Summer - Summer
Summer - Father's Day